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Johannes Auer
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To trail DADA traces on the net is a possibility to look up loose text satellites on a short-term and to bring singular DADA groups and sources to level a structural gap. Here, it doesn’t make much sense to talk about DADA per se, as approaches to and updates of DADAism as a historical phenomenon are too diverse: for instance, virtual identities settle in – present (babel, hugo baron, frieder rusmann, dadasophin) and historical ones (duchamp, tzara, serner, ball, schwitters), bananas are traded (anna banana) and indexed, art’s and the artist’s death is given shape (, virtual countries are built (bananaland, rongwrong puppet empire) and, sometimes, even the audience is happily dispensed with (neumerz, dadasophin).
DADA TO GO bundles these different traces in an audio text which lets the DADA groups act within an environment which refers to computer games and makes DADAism get a move on. For: Boredom was in the beginning of DADA …