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Melissa Lucas
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The net exhibition SONNE ORDKLIP [Sonne Wordclip(s)] is divided up ito 14 series', where some are thematic according to the usual rigid encyclopedia principles, while others are more directly related via a single common word-clip. The following, for example: DK [abreviation for Denmark]-CULTURE-SOC, EGO-PSYCH, GO, "LITT", ZOO, WORD, BOO, CHIDREN, CORPSE, OUT, LANGUAGE, ART, FOOD, LYRICAL NATUR. They are texts - or whatever one wants to call them - which, in their insistent overexcited play with the meaning and visuality of language, have no equal in contemporary Danish poetry. We have to go back to the good old dadaists' collages and montages - Kurt Schwitters' for example - to find competitive parallels.