I am very pleased to welcome you to the CELL website. As of May 5, our site is live and open to the world.
“[t]he cell, the smallest autopoietic structure known today . . . the minimal unit that is capable of incessant self-organizing metabolism.” (Humberto Maturana)
The Consortium on Electronic Literature (CELL) is an international organization led and managed by the ELO that currently includes 11 member organizations, research labs, and research centers. Since 2010, our collaborative network has been developing the information architecture needed for making born digital creative works and scholarly criticism findable across databases, world-wide.
Davin Heckman, Managing Director
Joseph Tabbi, Founding Director
The ELO recognizes the contribution of Anna Gibbs and Maria Angel for convening the initial CELL participants at a founding meeting in 2010, supported by a grant entitled “Creative Nation,” from the International Science Linkages Program of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, Sydney, Australia. We also recognize NT2 for developing the CELL Search Tool.
Member Organizations
● CIBERIA (Spain), led by Maria Goicoechea, Laura Sanchez Gomez, and Begona A. Regueiro Salgado
● NT2 (Canada), led by Bertrand Gervais, Sylvain Aubé, Gabriel Gaudette, Ariane Savoie and Robin Varenas
● Po-ex.net (Portugal), led by Rui Torres
● ELMCIP (Norway), led by Scott Rettberg
● ADEL (Germany), led by Joergen Schaeffer, Peter Gendolla, and Robert Kalman
● I <3 e-poetry (US), led by Leonardo Flores
● Brown Digital Repository (US), led by John Cayley
● ADELTA (Australia), led by Anna Gibbs and Maria Angel
● EBR (US), led by Erik Rasmussen, Joe Tabbi, and Will Luers
● Hermenia (Catalonia), led by Laura Borras
● ELL (US), led by Dene Grigar and Nicholas Schiller
Source : ELMCIP Cierniste diody / Thorny diodsThis is a digital embezzlement of Bruno Schulz’s short story “Sierpień” (“August”). |
Source : ELD The ListenersThe Listeners is a computational literary work based on the programming of a skill for Alexa, Amazon’s voice assistant. |
Source : ELMCIP Psychographic Poetry |
Source : ELMCIP Father - A TributeFather - A Tribute is an interactive storygame around the theme of the father. |
Source : ADEL Landsberger Poesieautomat |
Source : ELMCIP Start at the End: a Hypertext FictionThis CD-based hypertext fiction is described as a tragedy, using words, music and images to "evoke three virtual spaces: the psychic space of memory, the public space of an internet mailing li |
Source : NT2 das buch gertruddas buch gertrud est un hommage en deux parties à la mémoire de Gertrude Stein, poétesse, écrivaine, dramaturge et féministe née aux États-Unis en 1874 et décédée à Paris en 1946. |
Source : ELMCIP Untitled 5Untitled 5 is the fifth interactive installation in theExternal Measures Series, which Utterback has been developing since 2001. |
Source : ELMCIP Hermeticon: Pop Spell Maker |