17 artists’ books by Fernando Aguiar

PO-EX - Wed, 06/22/2022 - 12:07
Unique copies, signed and dated by the author, distributed by Timglaset Editions in June 2022. [Images. Links] All images courtesy of Joakim Norling (Timglaset Editions) and Fernando Aguiar. Fernando Aguiar, Soneto da encruzilhada [Crossroads Sonnet], 2018 > Artist’s book (unique) | 14 pages | painted in acrylic on cardboard 350 gr. | 11 x 44 …
Categories: News from Partners

exPhrasis est en ligne !

Laboratoire Nt2 - Wed, 06/01/2022 - 20:56
01 Juin 2022 - 01 Septembre 2022

L'exposition exPhrasis est en ligne et donne à voir, à travers une fiction interactive, trois oeuvres d'artistes montréalais.

Categories: News from Partners

Extended Deadline for ELO 2022 Papers

Electronic Literature Organization - Tue, 04/26/2022 - 06:38

Attention, all ELO 2022 participants with accepted papers:

The full paper submission deadline has been extended to May 2, 2022.

The ELO 2022 Conference accepts both abstracts and full papers. If you input just an abstract in the online form, you will be able to present your work at the Conference, and we will include the abstract in the Conference Guide.

If you also  upload the full paper, we will be glad to include it in the Conference Proceedings.

Use this form: https://forms.gle/tzDDMtiFZaWEWeq99

Categories: News from Partners

Call for Nominations: ELO Awards

Electronic Literature Organization - Fri, 02/25/2022 - 16:59

The Electronic Literature Organization is proud to offer the following three prestigious awards:

  • The Robert Coover Award for a Work of Electronic Literature,
  • The N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature, and
  • The Marjorie C. Luesebrink Career Achievement Award.
2022 nominations are currently open through 3/21/2022, and you are welcome to self-nominate for the Robert Coover and N. Katherine Hayles awards. Submit your nomination here.

Winners will be announced online and in-person at ELO 2022 in Como, Italy!

The Robert Coover Award for a Work of Electronic Literature is an award given for the best work of electronic literature of any length or genre. Bestowed by the Electronic Literature Organization and funded through a generous donation from supporters and members of the ELO, this annual prize aims to recognize creative excellence. The Prize for 1st Place comes with a $1000 award, with a plaque showing the name of the winner and an acknowledgement of the achievement, and a one-year membership in the Electronic Literature Organization at the Associate Level. One prize for Honorable Mention is awarded and consists of a plaque showing the name of the winner and an acknowledgement of the achievement, and a one-year membership in the Electronic Literature Organization at the Associate Level.

The N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature is an award given for the best work of criticism, of any length, on the topic of electronic literature. Bestowed by the Electronic Literature Organization and funded through a generous donation from N. Katherine Hayles and others, this annual prize recognizes excellence in the field. The Prize for 1st Place comes with a $1000 award, with a plaque showing the name of the winner and an acknowledgement of the achievement, and a one-year membership in the Electronic Literature Organization at the Associate Level. One prize for Honorable Mention is awarded and consists of a plaque showing the name of the winner and an acknowledgement of the achievement, and a one-year membership in the Electronic Literature Organization at the Associate Level.

The Marjorie C. Luesebrink Career Achievement Award honors a visionary artist and/or scholar who has brought excellence to the field of electronic literature and has inspired others to help create and build the field. Bestowed by the Electronic Literature Organization and funded through a generous donation, it comes with a $1000 award that can go directly to the awardee or to a young scholar who would use the funds in support of developing content for online sources about the awardee’s achievements; a plaque showing the name of the winner and an acknowledgement of the achievement; and a one-year membership in the Electronic Literature Organization at the Associate Level.

For more information about the Awards, contact Erik Loyer, ELO Board Member and 2022 Awards Manager, at eloyer at eliterature.org.

Categories: News from Partners

CFP: ELO 2022 Special Call: Mentoring Exhibition (March 15)

Electronic Literature Organization - Fri, 02/11/2022 - 23:43
“Show me how to do this”
Learning E-lit by Making Together CFP: ELO 2022 Special Call: Mentoring Exhibition
Deadline March 15, 2022
Online Exhibition: June 2022
Curated by María Goicoechea and Mark Marino
Submission form:

Call for Works

The making of electronic literature is an artisanal practice, born of community practices of sharing. While some artists find their own way into the rabbit holes of e-lit, most follow a guide or teacher, learning as a sorcerer’s apprentice.  Whether this happens in a formal setting, like a classroom, or in an informal context, like a rainy day passtime for a family, the time spent sharing the forms and tools of electronic literature as well as techniques for making e-lit is crucial to bring new artists into the field and new works into being. In that way, the process is very much like teaching other forms of craft, like sewing, or even cooking, which has in turn inspired e-lit, such as the field of gastropoetics.  

For this exhibition, we seek works that have emerged out of such tutelage and collaboration, where a mentor, teacher, or parent has introduced one or more new artists to the field by making a work of electronic literature with them.  

Works will be exhibited in an online exhibition as part of the ELO 2022 hybrid conference.  We will also plan an online launch either during or before the conference.  

Given the pedagogical emphasis of #ELOitalia and the setting of the in-person conference in a K-12 school, any  works aimed at or appropriate for younger audiences are especially welcomed. This exhibit will have a special section for works aimed at middle grade and young adult audiences. 

We are calling for all genre of works, including:

interactive fiction, poetry generators, hypertext, Third Generation E-Lit (including works on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok), VR/AR/XR, et cetera.

Note: Works already submitted to ELO 2022 that fit the exhibition criteria will be considered. If you submit a work that you have already submitted to the conference, just indicate that in your application. 

Various details: 

At least the submitting author (or mentor) will be required to have a current ELO Membership (minimal unaffiliated member $25) to have their work exhibited. That membership fee does not include ELO 2022 registration.  

By March 15, use this form to send us:

Author (submitting)
Author email addresses.
Additional authors:
Additional email addresses
Video: (short demo video, under 1 minute) (opt)
1-sentence description
Age of audience
Description of the work
Description of the context of the collaboration (200-400 words)
Type of work: Twitterbot, Twine Fiction, VR. etc.
Has this work already been Submitted to ELO 2022: Y/N
(You may submit the same work. This question is just to guide our tracking with EasyChair)
Web-ready Images of the work
Link to the work
Any video documentation of the work.

Categories: News from Partners

Colloque | Les iconothèques d’écrivain·e·s contemporain·e·s

Laboratoire Nt2 - Thu, 02/03/2022 - 17:34
07 Avril 2022 - 08 Avril 2022

Troisième volet d’un cycle de conférences entamé en janvier 2021, le colloque a pour objectif d’interroger la notion d’iconothèque d’écrivain·e à l’époque contemporaine.

Categories: News from Partners

ELMCIP and CELL v1.39.3 released

ELMCIP - Wed, 02/02/2022 - 12:56

Security and bugfixes release. We are focusing all other work on the ongoing Drupal 9 upgrade.


Categories: News from Partners

Appel à projets | exPhrasis

Laboratoire Nt2 - Wed, 01/26/2022 - 19:26
26 Janvier 2022 - 01 Mars 2022

La Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les arts et les littératures numériques et le Laboratoire NT2 (ALN|NT2), en collaboration avec l’Université de Bergen, lancent un appel à propositions artistiques pour une exposition en ligne intitulée exPhrasis (mai 2022).

Categories: News from Partners

Artists’ books by Fernando Aguiar

PO-EX - Wed, 01/12/2022 - 19:46
10 artists’ books, unique copies, signed and dated by the author, available for purchase on the Timglaset Editions website. [Images. Links] All images courtesy of Joakim Norling (Timglaset Editions) and Fernando Aguiar. Fernando Aguiar, Rede de Contaminação [Contamination Network], 1987-2017 > Artist’s book (unique) | 32 pages | painted in acrylic on printed paper | …
Categories: News from Partners

ELO 2022 Deadline Extended to Jan 21

Electronic Literature Organization - Wed, 01/05/2022 - 19:34

The Deadline for the 2022 ELO Conference in Como, Italy and online has been extended until January 21.  The conference will be in-person (pandemic permitting) and online.  Submit!

Here’s the link to the full call:

ELO 2022

Categories: News from Partners

ELO Welcomes 3 New Board Members

Electronic Literature Organization - Sat, 11/27/2021 - 16:59

ELO is pleased to announce the addition of three new members to its Board of Directors: Lai-Tze Fan, Erika Fülöp, and Reham Hosny.  These top scholars and artists extend ELO’s global representation as they reside in Canada, England, and Egypt, respectively.

ELO President Leonardo Flores welcomed the new members, saying, “We had a great community response to our first-ever open Call for Nominations resulting in a wonderful lineup of dedicated scholars and artists in the field. After much deliberation and keeping in mind our goal of continuing to diversify the Board of Directors, we chose three great scholars who will bring new energy and perspectives to our governing body. I am looking forward to collaborating with our new Directors! And huge thanks to all who put their names forth or accepted nominations. We will seek opportunities to get you involved in our projects!”

ELO has an all-volunteer board of members who serve renewable three-year terms. These new directors, for the first time, were drawn from a set of nominations from ELO’s members.  The organization continues to work to make this process more inclusive and transparent and is very pleased with the results.

Meet the new Board Members:

Lai-Tze Fan

Dr. Lai-Tze Fan is an Assistant Professor of Technology and Social Change in the Department of Sociology and Legal Studies at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Fan is an interdisciplinary researcher who combines the fields of media studies, science and technology studies, digital storytelling, critical design, and cultural studies. Her research appears in the journals MosaicConvergenceMedia Theory, and elsewhere.

Fan is also a practitioner of art installations, digital textuality and writing, interactive games, and critical making, with 15 solo and collaborative works of research-creation. With Nick Montfort, she created “Dial” (2020), a generative emoji-embedded poem representing networked, distant communication. With Anne Sullivan and Anastasia Salter, she created Masked Making (2021), a generative work that captures both the imagined making and fragments of text that represent the invisible faces, hands, and labour of women’s mask making during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also of note are video games for children’s health research that Fan helped design with the international Breathing Games Commons, as well as a smart phone application called Global Urban Wilds (2021) that she helped develop for the city of Montréal.

Fan currently serves as an Editor and the Director of Communications for the open-access journal electronic book review and Editor of the multimodal journal the digital review. She edited a special double issue of both journals called “Critical Making, Critical Design” (September 2021), which was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. She also co-edited a special journal issue of electronic book review on “Canadian Digital Poetics” (February 2021). She is Co-Editor of the collection Post-Digital: Dialogues and Debates from electronic book review (Bloomsbury 2020).

Erika Fülöp

Erika Fülöp is Senior Lecturer in French Studies at Lancaster University. She previously held a Lectureship at New College, Oxford (2012-13) and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship at the Interdisciplinary Center for Narratology at the University of Hamburg (2013-15). Since her doctoral thesis and first monograph on Proust and philosophy titled Proust, the One, and the Many: Identity and Difference in À la recherche du temps perdu (Oxford: Legenda, 2012), she has been exploring increasingly recent and increasingly diverse modes of writing and authorship that question and expand the concept of writing and literature, including interferences between print books and networked writing, the impact of social networks on authorship, video writing on YouTube, and digital poetry and its translation. She has run several projects and conferences around these subjects, including Screening the Literary (2016-17) and The Creative Web of Languages (2017-19). In 2020 she completed a monograph co-authored with Gilles Bonnet and Gaëlle Théval on French creative literary experimentation on YouTube (‘Qu’est-ce aue la LittéraTube?’), and in 2021, adventured into learning to code & co. thanks to an EPSRC grant in order to carry out truly interdisciplinary research and analyses of electronic literature. You can find her research and learning diary here.

Reham Hosny

Dr. Reham Hosny is an Assistant Professor in English literature at Minia University, Egypt and previously, she was a Lecturer at the University of Leeds, UK. Her research focuses on creating links between the well-established western electronic literature communities and the growing digital culture innovators of other underrepresented communities. She is particularly interested in investigating the cultural, social, and political contexts of Arabic and Anglo-American electronic literature. Additionally, she is a creative writer. She is directing arabicelit, the first initiative focusing on globalizing Arabic electronic literature in the English language. She is an international consultant for the Electronic Literature Organization’s ELC4. She was also a co-organizer of the first international conference on Arabic electronic literature at RIT-Dubai, Feb. 25-27, 2018. She initiated and co-delivered the first electronic literature workshop in the Arab World and co-curated the first electronic literature exhibit in the Arab World at RIT-Dubai in 2018. She initiated the first autobiographical collection of Arab electronic literature authors on the ELMCIP knowledge base in 2015. She spent two years as a visiting scholar at College of Liberal Arts at RIT-New York and West Virginia University. She is an invited speaker in many international conferences, workshops, and symposiums at different places around the world such as the USA, the UAE, the KSA, Canada, Scotland, Norway, Egypt, Jordan, and the UK. She is a member of different international research networks such as the Intersections, Feminism, Technology & Digital Humanities network (IFTe) funded by UKRI-AHRC and the Irish Research Council. She is also a member of the Global AI Narrative (GAIN) network in the MENA region. Besides her scientific achievements, she received the Ihsan Abdel Quddous Literary Prize for short story writing for her short story collection Amma Ba’d (and thereafter) (2012). She also wrote Al-Barrah (The Announcer), the first Arabic artificial intelligence novel, in collaboration with Mohamed A. Nasef (2019, 2021). For more information, you can visit her personal website.

Leaving the Board

After years of service, a few Board members have also stepped down, including Helen Burgess, Serge Bouchardon, Stuart Moulthrop. We thank them for their service and their generous contributions of their time and talent.

Categories: News from Partners

Ex-Press Letters

PO-EX - Sun, 11/14/2021 - 17:15
Book by Fernando Aguiar published by Timglaset Editions. [Synopsis. Images. Link] Description > 120 pages with 58 visual poems, high quality digital print on Multidesign matte, 130 gsm, FSC paper, perfect bound. Format 205×245 mm. With a transparent banner containing author name, title and print info; to be lost at will. Buy > https://www.timglaset.com/produktsida/fernando-aguiar-ex-press-letters Synopsis …
Categories: News from Partners

ELO Welcomes 2021-2022 Fellows

Electronic Literature Organization - Sat, 11/13/2021 - 22:45

ELO is happy to announce the 2021-2022 ELO Fellows.

Hannah Ackermans, University of Bergen, Norway
Laura Sánchez Gómez, Faculty of Philology at the Complutense University of Madrid
Alexandra Martin, Université du Québec à Montréal
Aurelio Meza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Shanmuga Priya, Department of History, Lancaster University, UK
Zahra Rizvi, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia

The ELO Fellows program is aimed to expand our scholarly activity, and our curatorial and creative practices with the appointment of six graduate and early career fellows. Extending our community, the fellows are also advancing our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion efforts. The Fellows program is overseen by Joseph Tabbi, who was assisted by Anna Nacher, Erik Loyer, and María Mencía on the selection committee.

The ELO Fellows are six graduate and early career Research Fellows for the academic year 2021/22, each of whom have been awarded a $500 stipend along with a one year ELO membership. Fellows help contribute to various ELO projects, including the Electronic Literature Directory and its alliances with partner organizations such as ELO.

“We are excited to welcome this excellent group who will support ELO’s efforts to promote scholarly and creative work in electronic literature while working to create an inclusive and welcoming community,” said President Leonardo Flores, announcing the Fellows. “The Fellows enrich our community and help us realize our plans to promote and celebrate electronic literature.”

Presenting the 2021-22 ELO Fellows: Hannah Ackermans

As a PhD candidate in digital culture at the University of Bergen (Norway), Hannah Ackermans researches the digital practices in the (academic) field of electronic literature. In addition to their research and teaching record in electronic literature and digital humanities, Ackermans was co-director of the Digital Humanities Network at the University of Bergen throughout 2019 and is a member of the ELMCIP Knowledge Base editorial board. Their current research interest is the digital accessibility of electronic literature and this will be the focus of their work as an ELO Research Fellow.

Laura Sánchez Gómez

Laura Sánchez Gómez currently teaches Didactics of Literature and Digital Humanities at University Complutense of Madrid and Nebrija University. She has a PhD in Literary Studies at Complutense University of Madrid with a thesis about electronic creation and the relationship between literature and art. She is member of the interdisciplinary Research Group LEETHI (European and Spanish Literatures from Texts to Hypermedia), and co-founder of CIBERIA, a platform about Spanish Language Electronic Literature. She has worked on different interdisciplinary cultural management projects at the Cervantes Institute, such as the exhibitions Return to Max Aub or Quijotes around the world; and she is co-curator of the exhibition Lorem BITsum: Electronic Literature, in Matadero de Madrid (2018). Her research focus is based on an interdisciplinary perspective focus in the changes brought by digital transformation in literature, arts and education.

Alexandra Martin

Alexandra L Martin (she/her) is a researcher and doctoral student specializing in digital literary arts, living and working in the unceded territory of Tiohtià:ke. Since 2019 she has worked at the Laboratoire NT2 at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where she also collaborates as a curator, notably on the exhibition S’éclipser | Phases of Resilience (2020) for the HTMlles Festival as well as Trans[creation] (2021). Her research centers on digital and organic networks of communities and the question of communal memory. Alexandra employs an ecocritical approach to her research and curatorial work, emphasizing the experiential process of reading or consuming digital art and the transformative power of this process over physical and digital spaces.

Aurelio Meza

Aurelio Meza (Mexico City, 1985) is a writer and editor who lives in Montreal, were they graduated from the PhD in Humanities at Concordia University. They are a co-founder of the editorial project Kodama Cartonera in Tijuana, Mexico, and remotely coordinates the PoéticaSonoraMX Digital Audio Repository for Sound Poetics in Mexico, hosted in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) at Morelia (https://poeticasonora.unam.mx/rda).

Shanmuga Priya

Shanmuga Priya’s research and teaching interests include an interdisciplinary focus in the areas of digital humanities, digital environmental humanities and digital literature. She is particularly interested in building and applying digital tools and technologies for Humanities research. She completed her Ph.D. at Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India. She was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Lancaster University, UK. She also received Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Toronto, Canada. She has published papers in national and international journals. She is one of interim executive committee members of DHARTI.

Zahra Rizvi

Zahra Rizvi is Ph.D. scholar at the Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India, and founding-member of the Indian chapter of Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA). Her research interests include popular culture and media, young adult participatory spaces, video game studies, and digital humanities. She is currently working on a Media Archaeology project concerning Noha and Majlis E-lit Practices in South Asia. She was recently Ministry of Education-SPARC Fellow in Digital Humanities and Digital Cultures at Michigan State University, where she worked as Project Manager and Research Fellow on the “Digital Apprehensions of Indian Poetics” collaborative project.




Categories: News from Partners

Laboratory of Experimental Textual Practices [FLUP, 16 February to 27 April 2022]

PO-EX - Mon, 11/08/2021 - 12:03
Course conducted by Bruno Neiva at Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto. [Information. Links] Between 16th of February and 27th of April 2022 it will be held at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto another edition of the LABORATORY OF EXPERIMENTAL TEXTUAL PRACTICES, a course that aims at …
Categories: News from Partners

Publication of «Selected Text-Art 2010-2020» by Bruno Neiva

PO-EX - Sat, 10/30/2021 - 12:37
New book by the author through Hesterglock Press. [Cover. Description. Links] This collection brings together a selection of works of text art, visual poetry and digital art produced by Bruno Neiva between 2010 and 2020. Cover > Link to entry with selections of this work in this Archive > Selected Text-Art 2010-2020 More info > …
Categories: News from Partners

ELO22 Call for Proposals (May 30-June 1)

Electronic Literature Organization - Wed, 10/20/2021 - 18:40

ELO22 Call for Proposals

Conference: May 30-June 1, 2022
Deadline: January 7, 2022
Submit via EasyChair.

The HStudies Research Group of the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), with the University of Nagoya, Graduate School of Humanities (Japan), the Arab Academic Institute of Education/Arab Union for Internet Writers, the Digital Culture Center of Ciudad de México (Mexico), the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Pesquisas em Informática, Literatura e Linguística and the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazilian Digital Literature Observatory (Brazil), the Pontificio Collegio Gallio (Italy) have collaborated to organize the ELO 2022 International Conference and Media Arts Festival.

The theme for ELO 2022 is E2Lit: Education and Electronic Literature#ELOitalia

We invite artists, researchers, scholars, PhD candidates, experts and practitioners to submit works, papers, case studies, and media artefacts for presentation at the festival and in the different venues of the in-person conference and online workshops and seminars. 


Our society lives in a moment of complexity, where the exponential emergence of a web-based culture has triggered a different approach in relation to the spaces of communication, relationship, and learning. During the last years, the advent of new personal and wearable devices has favoured the emergence of a new literacy, based on a convergence culture (Jenkins, 2006).

Forms of fiction and literature underwent a process of disembodiment and cross-fertilization during the revolution from the Gutenberg Galaxy — printed paper, mass distribution — to the McLuhan Galaxy — new media, hypertext, collaborative writing — (Castells, 2003). The dimension of literacy has moved from a semiotically-measured geometry (De Saussure, 1916; Hjelmslev, 1969) to a dislocation and a deconstruction of contents and channels that give expression to new products (Derrida, 1974; Landow, 1994; Bolter & Grusin, 1999). The impact of social media on narratology has redefined the meaning of readership and authorship. The author has not only lost their traditional role, but becomes an icon of themself, a collective-minded producer that is self-perceived through the extra-flexed eye of the amniotic network in which they define their narrative experience (De Kerckhove, 2003). 

Literature takes on different roles within the so-called new media. Particularly, digital literature is central to the humanities and to the culture that emerges from the digital environment (Grigar, 2021) and it may play a central role in education too.

Every generation develops blended competencies under the influence of new tools and communication frameworks (Bardi, Ciastellardi, Di Rosario, 2019). For several years now when it comes to storytelling and literature, we have seen cultural references in a continuous process of transformation and redefinition, both because of digital tools available to the public, and because of different emerging channels of dissemination and distribution that are (self)produced in an increasingly massive way. What appears is a different form of understanding and learning, and a new form of education for people at any level and at all ages (not limited, thus, to a scholarly perspective).

This conference seeks to shed light on digital literature according to the epistemological crisis of authorship and the new dimension of participation and relationship offered by both the Web and new media. The conference will offer keynote speeches and talks to examine specific case studies. Moving from the state of the art, the aim is to investigate the interdisciplinary relations in the field of electronic literature, in order to recognize patterns of theories, technologies, and social dimensions of the phenomena to offer a critical toolkit to understand and map out the emerging knowledge and practices created by this field and the multifaceted dimension of education.

Possible topics include but are not limited to the following conference’s tracks:

  • E-lit as Digital Humanities: Digital layers, multifaceted comprehension patterns and critical thought to redefine the e-lit dimension in educative environments.
  • Education beyond the (e)book: The possibilities of participatory culture in educational environments. How can e-lit promote values like democracy, pluralism, participation, diversity and sustainability…
  • Coding education: the use of e-lit to set up essential skills to adapt to the digital age.
  • E-practitioning: Literature and digital practices at crossroads.
  • We are platforms: Rethinking e-lit and its educative role and collaborative practices after the emergence of the pandemic.
  • AIrchive and UXPoetry: E-lit and its preservation between Artificial Intelligence and the need of a new poetic of user experience (UX). 
  • Digital Heterotopies: The possibilities within e-lit to present, criticize and denounce everyday social rhetoric.
  • Education on diversity and sustainability: E-lit as cultural practice to educate about integration, gender respectfulness and global sustainability. 
  • Politics and Policies: Education on e-lit as a framework for civic engagement and civil society.
  • STEAM-punk: The cross-fertilization among STEAM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics) and the different approaches to e-lit culture. 
  • Polysemy and synaesthesia: E-lit forms and works to open a different perspective of meaning and knowledge across multisensorial and plural dimensions of understanding. 
  • Electronic Opificium: The Aesthetics of Tech. Experiments and handcrafted works to revitalize the idea behind literature and its digital possibilities.

Interdisciplinary contributions are especially welcome.

Accepted abstracts will be presented in the parallel sessions of the Conference and full papers will be published in the proceedings of the Conference. The conference organizing committee will provide a selection of the best papers to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Submit via EasyChair.

Conference Talks in COMO (ITALY) & online

Submissions are welcome across the following formats: 

  • Paper (15 min – a presentation of a single paper by one or more authors – 500 words abstract). Paper submissions should be at most 3500 words long.
  • Poster (1- page poster – format A2). 250-word (max) proposal.
  • Panel (90 min – a proposal for a complete panel including 3 or 4 separate papers on the same general topic – 250 word overview plus 250 word individual abstracts).
  • Lightning Talks  (90 min – a proposal for a complete set of lightning talks, including 4-6 participants – 250 word overview plus 50-100 word descriptions of individual  5-7 minute talks).

Submissions should include the title of the submission, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of contributor(s), biographical notes for contributors, and a 500-word abstract.

The ELO22 conference will feature different synchronous and asynchronous venues. Online pre- and post-conference workshops and seminars will be organized in Japan, Israel, Finland, and Brazil.

For the in-person conference talks can be given in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese.

The deadline for submissions is January 7, 2022. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the scientific committee.

Submit via EasyChair.

Festival Exhibition in Como (ITALY) & online

We invite proposals of digital artworks and e-lit pieces to be featured as part of the in-person ELO Conference and Art Festival on E2Lit: Education and Electronic Literature.

All forms of electronic literature, multimodal writing, digital art, playful narrative, literary games, hypertext, and screen fiction will be considered. 

Please, be detailed on any special requirements. Submissions should provide the following information: 

Author name(s) and biographical note(s); 500-word artist statement detailing the aesthetic intentions, the structure of the piece, and its relationship to the conference theme. 

If you would like your work to be considered for a performance, please indicate that on the submission with an additional description (250 words max) of the nature of the performance as well as any technical requirements.

Statements should be anonymized for peer review. Technical specification providing exact details of what will be required to facilitate the work’s inclusion in the exhibition. This should include information on the materials, technologies, and spatial requirements necessary, and what the artist will require the gallery to provide. Please, be as detailed as possible regarding physical components and needs, including wireless internet. 

Pieces accepted to either exhibition will need to be delivered (physically or virtually) prior to the exhibit’s opening, and will remain on display after the conference ends before being returned to the artist.  

The deadline for submissions is January 7, 2022.

Please, note, do to time constraints, participants may only appear in the program twice, including combinations of artworks and talks.

Submit via EasyChair.

For more information, contact Giovanna Di Rosario ELO 2022 Chair, e2lit@hstudies.net or giovanna.dirosario@hstudies.net 


Pontificio Collegio Gallio (Italy)

Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

University of Jyväskylä (Finland)

The Arab Academic Institute of Education/Arab Union for Internet Writers

Nagoya University (Japan)

Federal University of São Carlos (Brazil)

Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Digital Culture Center of Ciudad de México (Mexico)


Categories: News from Partners

ELMCIP and CELL v1.39.2 released

ELMCIP - Mon, 09/27/2021 - 16:04

Security and bugfixes release. We are focusing all work on the Drupal 9 migration. This should address the change introduced in Date:   Tue Aug 24 10:20:33 2021 - v1.39.1 - Search API (search_api)  7.x-1.27 -> 7.x-1.28 that broke our facet filters.


  • 5ad84f1 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.39.2, origin/production, origin/master, origin/HEAD, production) Module update Views (views)  7.x-3.24  -> 7.x-3.25
  • 28a8709 Module upgrade Facet API (facetapi)  7.x-1.6 -> 7.x-1.9
  • 4c9c5b2 Search API 2159827 - base path missing
  • 168d91f Drupal module file_entity 7.x-2.30 -> 7.x-2.32
Categories: News from Partners

Renew Your Membership TODAY!

Electronic Literature Organization - Fri, 09/03/2021 - 21:48

Dear members of the ELO community,

The Electronic Literature Organization Board of Directors would like to thank you sincerely for your support of ELO in the past, and we want to invite you to continue that support. The organization and its members have had a tremendously successful year and are working hard to support and foster this momentum throughout 2021 and beyond. We hope that you will take this opportunity to support our ongoing mission by renewing your 2021 membership, and consider donating to our initiatives.

The cost of membership is inexpensive: Student/Unaffiliated Artist membership is $25; Regular/Affiliated, $50; Associate, $100; and Patron $500. To renew, visit http://eliterature.org/membership.

All funds generated go to the many exciting events and initiatives the ELO supports on behalf of e-literature artists and scholars. Here are some of our most prominent projects and events:

  • We had a tremendously successful conference and media art shows online at ELO 2021 in May. You can access the online exhibitions, and conference materials, including videos and papers freely at the conference website: https://conferences.au.dk/elo2021/.

  • The Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 4 will be published later this year and will also be available open access.

  • We have relaunched our online archives as The NEXT, which showcases our digital preservation projects, including making Flash works accessible to current and future users.

  • We awarded funding for an initiative titled Emerging Spaces for E-Lit Creations, in which we sponsored the creation of two new publication venues: Filter and (RE)VERB.

  • We supported 8 ELO Fellows, who contributed to many initiatives, such as the Electronic Literature Directory, and including two Amplify Anti Racism Fellows, who helped bring fresh perspectives and artwork to the organization.

  • We also maintain a presence on several social media networks, such as:

You can also make targeted donations to support specific ELO initiatives, and the link to do that is available here: https://eliterature.org/membership/#donate.

Help us invest in our community by renewing your membership today!

And if you have already contributed with your 2021 membership dues, we are grateful for your continued support, and invite you to make a tax deductible donation to support our initiatives. The ELO is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in the United States of America.

Many thanks,

Leo Flores


Categories: News from Partners

Ana Hatherly: To Draw is to Speak with Silence. [Museo Vostell Malpartida, Spain, 09-2021 a 02-2022]

PO-EX - Thu, 09/02/2021 - 14:38
Exhibit with works from the Fernando Aguiar Archive. [Flyer. Summary] Opening – 14th September – 08.00 PM. Museo Vostell Malpartida: Carretera de Los Barruecos, s/n, 10910 Malpartida de Cáceres (Cáceres), Espanha. Patente de Setembro 2021 a Fevereiro 2022. Text by Fernando Aguiar: TO DRAW IS TO SPEAK WITH SILENCE is the first solo exhibition by …
Categories: News from Partners

International Symposium «Eroticism, Poetic Concretism, and Visuality (1960-1970)»

PO-EX - Sun, 08/29/2021 - 16:05
Program of the event organized by the Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Paris, 17 and 18 September, 2021. [Program] An International Symposium organized by Maria Elena Minuto (Université de Liège; KU Leuven) and Mica Gherghescu (Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou), September 17-18, 2021. Conference language: French and English Open …
Categories: News from Partners


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